Thursday 24 August 2017

What To Expect When You're Expecting...An Alien Baby.

Spooky Day spawned with the Chikamoris heading to Central Park to see the Spooky Day festivities. Yeah...poor River's stomach didn't do to well in the Haunted House. And considering that Yasahiro was in the family way...he was also queasy too.

Haruo met his cousin, Elias Cantina-Chikamori (Satoshi's son) who was doing a great imitation of a ghost, up to and including floating. Wish ghost costumes in RL were that cool. In RL you drape a bedsheet over your head, make a few OOOOOOO sounds and you're supposed to be a ghost. In Sims 3 you ARE a ghost until you go poof at the end of the trick or treat session. Must be fun to be incorporeal as a costume. But it must be really confusing for the real ghosts around this time of year. "You a ghost?" "Nope" "...but you look like one? How the heck do you float?" "Antigrav shoes..." "You mean they got those now...COOOOOOL"

Satoshi, having to feed a ravenous alien baby, went and got himself some food...then Satoshi, Haruo, Yasahiro and River had a wonderful apple-bobbing contest. Bobbing for apples was fun and Yasahiro won the thing

Being filthy stinkin' rich has to mean for something. So Haruo went and got himself a large skating rink for the backyard.

And unlike in real life, roller skating skills helps increase actual ice-skating skills so both River and Haruo got on the ice and skated. Yep typical Canadins. We live on the ice, eh.

And if you have your own skating rink in your own back yard, well, no one can tell you what to wear or no or where to go...or...say you're only dreaming (oh sorry, got side-tracked there).

After freezing her cute buns on the ice, River came in to check out the new Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer that the Creator had so graciously placed in their home so that they could attack their virtual arteries with FAT and CHOLESTEROL!!! Of which there won't be any consequenced for because there's no such things as myocardial infarctions in the Sims 3. YAY!!! But they still don't have poutine...and that makes this Canadian really annoyed...EH?

Well, Yasahiro had to head in to work on Tuesday and found out that lo and behold, labour happened while at work. And thus he ended up coming home...with a little green alien infant. When given the choice between sending his cute little behind back to his homeworld or keeping him to raise at home. it was a no-contest. Evidently pregnancy had stirred some maternal nurturing instincts in Yasahiro and he opted to raise the child to adulthood. Evidently Alien lifeforms especially change-aliens such as Zlarb (yes, he named the child Zlarb, poor kid) would age much faster than humans would (plus the Creator's antipathy at taking care of infants after his own experiences in RL (being woken up at 1AM in the morning on a regular basis to feed clothe, water and divest the child of poop laden diapers) had soured him on the whole deal and thus has caused him to rapidly age up any Sim infants via birthday cake to toddler. There ya go kid. Welcome to toilet training. Have at it..

And the cute little stinker aged up into an equally cute little alien child form.

And happily ate birthday cake with the rest of his human family. Being a change-alien he opted to change his skin-color to match his human parent (he can go back to green whenever he wants, just that he doesn't want to draw attention to his family. The only things that set him apart are his pupil-less black eyes and his green hair. But he may opt to go back to his green shade of skin when he reaches adult hood. And besides having someone in the family who can call down meteors to drop on Sims that annoy his family is a great thing to have. Yay.

The Consequences of Alien Probes on Sim Males

Unfortunately the other story update had to be a small section, because it just didn't fit into the flow of what was going down in my storyline. Sorry, this one's going to be short too.


While Brayden and Sheryl were getting familiarized with each other's faces and roaming hands, poor Yasahiro got the abduction of his life...Yes, these are events happening concurrently. When he came home he had the thousand yard stare...

He was so traumatized he was staring blankly at the wall. "No...ONE...can comprehend...the horrors I've was...absolutely...HORRIFYING...THEY...I can't speak of it..."

All he could do to keep the terrifying visions away were read, eat and sleep and that became his routine until he went to the doctor for some unsubstantiated weight gain reason. He was gaining weight rapidly. This wasn't a good sign. Could they have injected him with some potent toxin that caused him to bloat and possibly explode into meaty chunky bits of flesh like a human gas bomb?

Creator: Nope, Dude, you're pregnant. Hope you enjoyed the alien woohoo...oh sorry... probe.

A Little Tidbit of Romance

Well, it seems as though Brayden wasn't the exception to the rule in terms of falling fast into love. Just like Mom and Pop and just like Aidann and Bella and even more so like his sister and Yasahiro: Brayden and Sheryl Taymur hit it off really well, that she stayed over-night for a "taym" sleep-over (pun intended). At least it was a Friday night going into a weekend. And that night they got robbed, but the robber didn't get away with anything due to the fact that the Chikamoris have alarm systems on every single door to the outside. No chance for any burglar to get away with anything. I'm sure those artifacts were too appealing to resist. Well, anyways, Sheryl and Brayden talked about the robbery in the morning.

Brayden and Sheryl decided to head for the art gallery on their first date. It wasn't too interesting even though Sheryl does like art, but they were more interested in each other. And getting to KNOW each other. I'm sure that's going to go over really well with Mama River and Papa Haruo.

Since it was a little too late to go see a movie after spending five hours in the art gallery ignoring the paintings and sculptures of Simonet, Simrevard and others; oh, can't forget Simcasso, they headed off to the theatre to go tour the theatre just to get out of the torrential downpour. There they could happily ignore the practice session of the Sims Drama Club of the entire works of William Simspeare.

When they came out of the theatre they were still entirely too engrossed in each other.

And of course Brayden; went on one knee (OK...I'm done... well... y'know... this was great and all...) Brayden is a teen who has 11 days of school left while I don't know how long Sheryl he going to be waiting for half his young adult life waiting for her to catch up or is she going to age up around when he is? Who knows? I'll have to NRAAS Master Controller her absolute age to find out. But he decides to get engaged the first woman that he sees and likes and dates. Well, y'know what they say, when the Chikamoris fall in love, they move fast.


That's going to go over REAL well with Mom. The Creator's staying out of this one. You got yourself into this one, Brayden, you get yourself out.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

A Rash of Abductions (and an Abduction of the Heart)

Well, the aliens returned River after a couple of hours. Needless to say she was quite puzzled as to what happened up there. "Why did they try to do a brainscan by stuffing something up the direct polar opposite opening?" And her beloved husband slept through it all. It was hard not to be resentful of that.

So in return, she played the guitar in the room as soon as she woke up...which woke Haruo out of a sound sleep. Needless to say he was not impressed...but neither was River with her somnolent husband while she was being abducted by aliens and taken off somewhere to do goodness knows what. At least she was unconscious through most of it.

In the other room, Alanna was blissfully unaware of her mother's extraterrestrial excursion out of the solar system and subsequent return as she placed brush to canvas. It was hot during the day so Haruo tried to harvest the plants as soon as he got up and before the temperature rose above 25 degrees celsius.

River felt a little "probed" so she tried to distract her mind and memories by attack a topiary carving with the chainsaw.

And Brayden decided to see exactly what the Summer Festival in Central Park was like. He didn't find it all that interesting - probably due to teenage angst and came home after only a couple of hours there. He said he had more interesting things to do at home.

Haruo did do some cooking and River exulted over the new kitchen appliances. Supposedly meant to make life easier in the kitchen, but that remains to be seen. While Haruo fished, the rest of the family played in the pool to escape the heat. And Haruo had made good on his promise to get a sno-cone machine and they were able to use it to cool down quickly. It was so easy to get overheated if one wasn't careful.

Yasahiro, Alanna's fiance had to improve his gardening skill for work (he works at the same place as Aidann and ended up doing the gardening that morning until it got too hot to be outside, after which he took a shower. Yes, Yasahiro got moved in as soon as they found out that he was engaged to Alanna.

Haruo is taking a wait and see approach to this new interloper and as Alanna's father, he looks particularly grim and forbidding right now. The good old stone-face father who looks at a potential suitor of his daughter and says. "You make her cry...I make you cry..." The only thing that seemed to cheer him up after the revelation that Alanna had gotten herself engaged to be married was a sno-cone; lots of sno-cones. Maybe he might be able to freeze his brain and hope that things turned out OK. Because if he'd heard correctly, Yasahiro was not the most responsible representative of Simkind and that revelation did nothing but irk him.

In order to soothe injured feelings Haruo suggested an excursion out to the Summer Festival and they all went, including River who was still a bit cheesed off at hubby. And they had some fun at the roller skating rink.

Alanna had a book for work that she had to read so she read at the dinner table and Haruo ate sno-cones.

As William Congreve once said so eloquently, "Musick hath charms to soothe a savage breast, To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak, I've read, that things inanimate have mov'd, And, as with living Souls, have been inform'd..." Ah...such was true as River attacked the piano with a fury not seen by many. Eventually her anger was thus soothed and she allowed Haruo to be near her...and jamming with her. It wasn't certain if he was forgiven because that abduction was truly a traumatic experience.

THEN it happened again for a second time. This was beyond annoying. River was truly getting sick and tired of the view of the galaxy from a front-row seat in an unidentified flying object. And she wasn't at all happy with Bix Vad Boort either no matter how friendly he was or how gentle he said he was going to make his probing. And she told him that he could just take someone else the next time because the next time he came calling, SHE wasn't going.

So a week later they took Yasahiro instead. River: "Hold me please, honey...I think they took a different route up the wazoo this time around."

Yes, it was traumatic for River, even the second time around...and again she resorted to music to soothe her and calm her fears.

We're still waiting to see if Yasahiro is pregnant as a result.

Fall came and with it were the resplendant colours of the changing trees. And as the season progressed, the trees got even more colourful.

Haruo gardened...

And fished so that he could bring his wares into the grocery store and sent three dragonfish from the lake to Fort Gnome to be a part of the Scaly Research Program of which he had absolutely no idea what it was about. The whole thing was classified tighter than Scrooge's wallet.

As Fall progressed, the torrential rains came. Every day was thunder and lightning and rain...bucketfuls of it. Just like home to the Creator. Haruo's hand sprouted an umbrella, the fashionable and smart things to do. River and Haruo went and got themselves a flu shot. And on top of that and the unpleasantness of the abductions, came the icing on the cake. Brayden, the baby of the family, brought home a ambitious little hoyden who made River wonder where there was a blasted volume switch. She was likeable enough but sometimes she didn't have a filter. River didn't know what to she sized the girl up with a stare. "Just what makes you think you're good enough for my son?" was the first thing that ran through her mind before she viciously bit that down. She wasn't going to behave like Haruo's mother. She would be welcoming and as friendly as she could possibly manage...but darn it...this girl was trying to take her little baby away and River's heart was breaking in two.

Will River warm to this girl? Is all this girl interested in is Brayden's inheritance? So does Brayden believe that he met the girl of his dreams or did he make the biggest mistake and it will turn into a living nightmare?