Sunday 20 August 2017

Alanna's Birthday

Bella and Aidann were deeply in love with each other as most newlyweds are. They couldn't keep their hands off each other..

When they weren't doing other stuff, the Chikamoris were busy practicing martial arts. Aidann however was out-classed by his wife who had achieved her brown belt. Needless to say, he had a lot of catching up to do to catch up to Bella's prowess in the athletic field but then again, he was a scientist or working towards becoming one.

Alanna's little crush over Skip Broke proved to be a non-starter as Skip had gravitated towards Betty Simovitch and Alanna pretty much up and snubbed him after that even though her friendly nature prevented her from snubbing him directly to his face. "Sure we'll hang out and go out to places together...NOT!" That's what you get for leading Alanna on, you cad. Luckily for her, she's out of your league, buddy-boy...and she'll be aging up into an adult too. So more opportunities will open up for her to meet Mr. Right. Because you don't want to break her heart and meet Mr. Chikamori, her father, do you? Skippy?

River painted, while Bella worked on the computer increasing her writing skill.

Aidann reported into his "trainer" - a proponent of the martial arts in Riverview and came home a black-belt which Bella promptly congratulated him for in the most enjoyable of ways.

And Grandpa Yasunobu emerged from his seek enlightenment. I would of thought that all the answers were on the other side. Ommmmmmm...

But it was fitting and emotional too as Yasunobu hung around for his grand-daughter's aging up party to young-adult.

And Alanna aged up...into a beauty.

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