Monday 21 August 2017

Alanna's Graduation

Alanna usually painted first thing in the morning when she woke up during the weekends, but had to wait until after work on the weekdays. She found herself a job after high-school directly going into journalism. She also sculpted too, but that was a side-line. Haruo and River ate breakfast and reminisced about their youth. LIfe goes by fast. Much too fast, as the kids were they were all growing up into young adults. Brayden was the last of the 2nd generation and he still had 25 days of school left before he aged up to young adult.

About a week after her last day of classes, Alanna was notified that her graduation was coming up. Everybody wanted to attend so they all did the "Hyundai Pack-A-Pony" contest into the good ol'VFN Kompensator (I feel sorry for it's suspension." and headed off to grad. It was an emotional day for Alanna and River; Alanna because she was leaving friends and there had been talk about moving back to Sunset Valley. It had been over 10 years since they had moved away from there and many people had moved away. And River was torn between happiness to see her daughter grow up into such a beautiful, accomplished woman and sadness because her "little girl" was growing up.

Afterwards Alanna's father treated her and the rest of the family to dinner at the Bistro in Riverview.

Afterwards, Brayden took in the sight of the new half-court that was put up during their absence at his big sister's graduation. Sure the graduation was boring; listening to endless repeats of Pomp and Circumstance would put any hip-hop listening teen to sleep. Brayden's mother had to pinch him twice and Aidann threatened to punch him awake - what are big brothers for? "I know, Brayden, I heard you the first time say that you don't know why...they're so ~bleeping~ useless..." Now quit complaining before I annihilate you and leave the house to Alanna.

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