Tuesday 22 August 2017

A Lot of Love and an Abduction

The fact that it wasn't Love Day didn't seem to bother the Chikamoris a bit. After all, Alanna had grown up into young adulthood and was ready to strike out and start her own family. Although Haruo and River would have liked her to take her time and meet someone nice. She had met someone whom she was extremely interested in and like her dad, he was 100% Asian of Japanese descent. She invited him down to the Festival, which he readily accepted. But the first chance he got, he went off to start a riot at City Hall. That didn't bode well for him.

But Alanna, gentle and good as her trait was calmed the situation down and extracted her friend from the riot he caused without him getting arrested for causing a disturbance. If Haruo heard about this, he'd have whooped his behind so he couldn't walk for a week and considering that Haruo is a Sim Fu Master, it won't be any skin off his back either to do it too.

By the time she got him extracted (and distracted) from in front of the City Hall, they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Man she works fast. And hopefully he becomes more responsible before they get hitched.

HOLD ON...WAIT A MINUTE!!! ALANNA!!!! (creator mutters: Oh, great now, I get to see them "stride of pride"ing all around town for the next two hours...couldn't you...have...no...evidently you can't..." *grumble*)

And...then they went for dinner...(shaking my head) Haruo is going to go nuclear.

OMG...she went and did it...Well...she's now an engaged woman. Hopefully her father is too engrossed in his own wife to notice the new bauble on his daughter's ring finger...oh...you got lucky this time, Alanna Grace Chikamori. (Ever notice how parents always use ALL your given names when they're giving you what-for...)

Yes, Alanna, your dad was entirely too engrossed with Mom. But then again, River had to give him a massage after that spill he took on the rollerskating rink. "Geez, act your age, Dad." "Watch your mouth, squirt, you're not old enough to not spank anymore." :p And just before bed, there were a bunch of twinkly lights over head. River was wondering "hmmm, what are those lights outside, maybe I should go investigate..." Wait...WAIT...DON'T... Why do I bother, they don't even listen to me anyways.


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