Thursday 24 August 2017

What To Expect When You're Expecting...An Alien Baby.

Spooky Day spawned with the Chikamoris heading to Central Park to see the Spooky Day festivities. Yeah...poor River's stomach didn't do to well in the Haunted House. And considering that Yasahiro was in the family way...he was also queasy too.

Haruo met his cousin, Elias Cantina-Chikamori (Satoshi's son) who was doing a great imitation of a ghost, up to and including floating. Wish ghost costumes in RL were that cool. In RL you drape a bedsheet over your head, make a few OOOOOOO sounds and you're supposed to be a ghost. In Sims 3 you ARE a ghost until you go poof at the end of the trick or treat session. Must be fun to be incorporeal as a costume. But it must be really confusing for the real ghosts around this time of year. "You a ghost?" "Nope" "...but you look like one? How the heck do you float?" "Antigrav shoes..." "You mean they got those now...COOOOOOL"

Satoshi, having to feed a ravenous alien baby, went and got himself some food...then Satoshi, Haruo, Yasahiro and River had a wonderful apple-bobbing contest. Bobbing for apples was fun and Yasahiro won the thing

Being filthy stinkin' rich has to mean for something. So Haruo went and got himself a large skating rink for the backyard.

And unlike in real life, roller skating skills helps increase actual ice-skating skills so both River and Haruo got on the ice and skated. Yep typical Canadins. We live on the ice, eh.

And if you have your own skating rink in your own back yard, well, no one can tell you what to wear or no or where to go...or...say you're only dreaming (oh sorry, got side-tracked there).

After freezing her cute buns on the ice, River came in to check out the new Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer that the Creator had so graciously placed in their home so that they could attack their virtual arteries with FAT and CHOLESTEROL!!! Of which there won't be any consequenced for because there's no such things as myocardial infarctions in the Sims 3. YAY!!! But they still don't have poutine...and that makes this Canadian really annoyed...EH?

Well, Yasahiro had to head in to work on Tuesday and found out that lo and behold, labour happened while at work. And thus he ended up coming home...with a little green alien infant. When given the choice between sending his cute little behind back to his homeworld or keeping him to raise at home. it was a no-contest. Evidently pregnancy had stirred some maternal nurturing instincts in Yasahiro and he opted to raise the child to adulthood. Evidently Alien lifeforms especially change-aliens such as Zlarb (yes, he named the child Zlarb, poor kid) would age much faster than humans would (plus the Creator's antipathy at taking care of infants after his own experiences in RL (being woken up at 1AM in the morning on a regular basis to feed clothe, water and divest the child of poop laden diapers) had soured him on the whole deal and thus has caused him to rapidly age up any Sim infants via birthday cake to toddler. There ya go kid. Welcome to toilet training. Have at it..

And the cute little stinker aged up into an equally cute little alien child form.

And happily ate birthday cake with the rest of his human family. Being a change-alien he opted to change his skin-color to match his human parent (he can go back to green whenever he wants, just that he doesn't want to draw attention to his family. The only things that set him apart are his pupil-less black eyes and his green hair. But he may opt to go back to his green shade of skin when he reaches adult hood. And besides having someone in the family who can call down meteors to drop on Sims that annoy his family is a great thing to have. Yay.

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