Monday 21 August 2017

You Can't Go Home Again

The old saying is true: You can't go home again. There are too many people gone from the town. Nobody that the Chikamori family remembered. But everybody including Satoshi and Michael Bachelor headed back to Sunset Valley. They even brought the remains along so that they could be reburied in a newly built family cemetery in Sunset Valley.

When the house was built, Haruo and Brayden took advantage of the driveway to build in a little place for the basketball hoop.

They also got some good display areas set up for their Al Simhara/Shang Sim La and Champs Les Sims trinkets

And they really got even more use out of the basketball hoop. Of course, Brayden owned his father. Youth and vitality definitely is a strong point in sports. And as said before, Haruo was no spring chicken.

River enjoyed sculpting and mastered it quite readily, her arts background helping her quite considerably. However...using a chainsaw on topiary probably was not the best idea with a headless giraffe as the end result. And being Level 10 in sculpting certainly helps when one deals with applying soldering to metal sculpting. You are less likely to set yourself on fire. This is probably not the best outfit to be using to sculpt metal with.

Haruo did a lot of fishing...with the lake that he dug out of the back yard.

Brayden didn't care much for the prom. After getting rejected by his crush, he came home and did his homework and went to bed.

River played the piano taking the opportunity to enjoy the sunset as it cast down a orange hue upon her keyboard.

And it is also true when they say that love is blind. Because Alanna met someone new and was so smitten head over heels that she was blind to the fact that they were conversing in the middle of the road in mortal danger of getting run over by the next distracted Sim who drove past in a Margarite Vaguester. least she won't go alone if that happens.

Can anyone tell me why Keri Cantina-Chikamori and Brady McIrish-Bachelor are sitting out in the Bistro's outdoor tables unattended doing homework at 7PM at night? WTH, Satoshi and Michael?! Jeez look after your kid for heaven sakes.

Meanwhile River and Haruo looked deeply into each others eyes. 27+ years of marriage and they were still as in love with each other as the very day they got married.

And Alanna was writing a love-letter to her new romantic interest. Ah...but it's still an year before Love Day. But even with all that, there was an undercurrent of sadness as they recognized no-one. Everyone had moved out of Sunset Valley that they had remembered.

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