Monday 10 July 2017

A Visit From Beyond and Take Our Name At Your Own Risk

Life had settled back to normal. Haruo and Yasunobu had planted roses around the wedding gazebo so that it would have that romantic vibe.

When Bert went to meet his demise, Alanna brought home a frog which was promptly named Croak.

Since River mastered the piano (I've actually played one of the Sims 3 Level 10 piano pieces (I can't remember the actual composer) before...and I can attest to the fact that I drove my piano teacher out of his mind. "I'm sorry, Edward J. Parker." - now I wish I kept it up), one of her favorite pieces was Franz Schubert's Impromptu Op. 90 #4, And she really would get into the emotion of the piece.

However peace and quiet was disrupted by an unwelcome presence. And of course, that presence targeted River and of course River wasn't having any of that at all. As in life. neither of the two got along with the other and River still happily pointed out Mayumi-spirit's flaws which she still had even in death.

After the visit from Mayumi things seemed to settle back down, with Haruo going to play for tips in Central Park to increase his piano-skill and of course River went fishing; Gobias found himself a love-interest...evidently and Haruo decided to ride his Kenspa (Vespa?) back home from tickling the ivories. Evidently River wanted something tickled...or was that more of an itch to scratch?

Helloooooo Shower...

And Abacadabra couldn't make heads or tails of how to figure out just what it took to turn the stereo on. Or maybe he did figure it out but just didn't turn the stereo on because he didn't want his posterior end drop-kicked all the way to Pinochle Pond and trust me, that's quite far from 15 Summerhill Court.

However it was found that there were two Sims masquerading as Chikamoris; one claiming to be Yasunobu and the other claiming to be Mayumi who had installed themselves along with Jamie Jolina over at Ye Olde Tudor where the actual Chikamoris used to live across from the Mcirish family. And even worse they had committed fraudulent dealings with the Good Citizen's Warehouse. That made Yasunobu lethally mad. After getting them to the point where they were trusting enough to let Fiona in on their ruse...the two somehow managed to con their way into the family. But inevitably the minute that they set foot on the property they were found out. One of the real-Mayumi's potions took care of matters very quickly and Fiona was able to dig up so much dirt on the couple that there would be no questions asked if the Good Citizen's Warehouse was wondering where their two fraudsters went to. Of course, the Good Citizen's warehouse wanted none of their nefarious dealings to come to light.

It was also a message to Nick and Vita Alto: Keep your Nick had been sniffing around much too closely in the Chikamori family's affairs. Losing their two henchmen was a dire warning indeed.

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