Sunday 23 July 2017

The March of Age (Life Goes On)

Well, life goes on...and the residents of Sunset Valley are aging. Looking over at Villa Alto saw Simis and Fiona age into their elder years. And Haruo and River have entered the latter half of their "young-adulthood" and approaching middle age and full-adulthood.

As busy as River was, she still took time to touch base with her mother and spend the morning with her at Hogan's Diner catching up on gossip.

In other news, Alanna aged up to teen at military school and stayed enrolled - it may appear as though she may choose a career in the military or in the police force when she gets out of Fort Starch. Aidann on the other hand is not enjoying morning drill around the parade square. He's calling home and proclaiming that Fort Starch is a prison for kids. Well...look who's gonna be lapping the drill square at zero dark thirty. SGTMAJ O'Halloran caught wind of his phone call...and what he said. "Chikamori, you miserable little maggot, did you call our esteemed boarding school a prison? How would you like to do laps around the parade square in full combat gear? Meet me at my office in full gear at 2300hrs and we'll see what remedial correction your attitude requires. ATTEN-HUT!!!!"

...and Bella is enjoying Fort Starch as well...with the lackadaisical discipline that she was receiving from Jocasta (may she rest in peace) and Simis, it appeared that she had no direction in life. Well...that changed...and she's appearing to enjoy military school too. Hopefully that will translate into her life as she transitions into young adulthood.

Boyd Wainright, Hiroko's boss tried to blackmail her by hacking into the Chikamori's bank account and insinuating that Hiroko had something sinister to hide. Haruo reciprocated the favor by blowing up Susan and Boyd's cars. Police just looked the other way. Oh dear...I think people are starting to miss the Altos. After all Sunset Valley was so much quieter back then...before the Chikamoris took over the town. Yes...they own practically everything.

River took matters into her own hands when Connor Frio started calling her for dates. She wasn't interested in his little amateurish attempts at trying to gain her attention. And she delivered a message personally that left no uncertainty as to how she felt about his attempts at courting her when she was happily married. Poor Connor; clueless as usual.

Ahhhh, happy days for the Sunset Valley residents...and perhaps for Hiroko and Yasunobu as well...

Addendum: Looks like Connor Frio went into self-imposed exile nursing his emotional wounds...or writing a least that's his excuse...

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