Thursday 13 July 2017

Fake Yasunobu and His Most Discombobulating, Confused Day

Well, we pick up on the Chikamoris with a rather interesting visitor from the beyond. Yes, Fake Yasunobu came back from the dead in spirit form (not a playable character - he's just an apparition floating around for giggles). Evidently after being killed off, eternal rest disagreed with him so he decided to come back to Sunset Valley and hang around.

Let me ask you something. How can a ghost be hungry?

First he spent some time mourning over Fake-Mayumi, then he proceeded to go startle the living daylights out of the REAL Yasunobu (the one still living)

For some reason he decided to watch the sharks in the fishtank: Larry, Curly, Moe and Frank....


Evidently poor Fake-Yasunobu was lonely because he looked over longingly at Yasunobu tending his garden. I guess since he has the same traits, he probably wanted to garden too, but kind of hard when you're incorporeal.

Then he walked up and down some steps...and (unpictured) haunted the dryer...which freaked the living tarnation out of Fiona but all in all, the Sims seem to take poltergeists in stride... "Eek...a ghost...whatever..."

Then he promptly got stuck in the bathroom - You're a ghost...don't you realize you can float through walls?

...and then back out to the backyard (looking over at the pool) to take a nap on one of the benches...

I'm sure ghost Fake Yasunobu was trying to tell me something - that he's sick of perpetual summer (alright, alright...I'll get Seasons....Geez...)...because he went and haunted the Minus One Kelvin fridge...which promptly stopped working out of fright so I had to delete it... and make replicants off the sole working copy...left over. or shall we say in this case...the afterlife in the Sims...Happy Simming everybody.

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