Saturday 15 July 2017

Mundane Meanderings Through The Chikamori Life.

Outside of all the ectoplasmic activity happening in the house, nothing much else was really happening. Every day was the same old-same old litany of boredom, get up, eat, go out and do chores, fish...etc etc...shower, sleep - rinse repeat... Haruo went out and worked on his piano skills (he's trying to make Level 10 while Yasunobu beat the ever-lovin' tar out of the Sim Fu dummy. River did laundry - yep...she was preggers again - she looks so cute waddling like that (My wife threatened to beat me to within an inch of my life if I called her cute...while she was pregnant (probably was the hormones)) and played the piano - River mastered it. Fiona tempted fate by fixing a television - I hate those things...they tend to go on the fritz all the time (much like the computers) and if you're not careful, you can end up getting singed. And of course...Haruo worked out...

...but they always took time to appreciate each other...(their affection meter is full)

Of course, knowing how short Sims pregnancies are, labour came soon enough for River along with a mad rush to the hospital to deliver...and a few hours later, a bouncing baby boy named Brayden - yeah...I'm very uncreative when it comes to names.

Brayden grew up into a toddler...and went through the whole rigmarole of being taught how to walk, talk and defecate; the latter of which was an extremely horrific nasal experience. And River and Haruo were exhausted...but grateful that Brayden started sleeping through the night. Yes...babies leave you sleep-deprived and functioning on autopilot (I have had plenty of experience with that in real-life...thank you very much)

It also helped that Yasunobu and Fiona took care of their grandchildren as well, while River and Haruo were being run through the wringer. Yasunobu loved his grand-daughter and read bedtime stories to her, giving her a kiss on the forehead and tucking her into her bed before making his way to his own room to turn in for the night.

The rebuilt house just didn't feel right so it got torn down and rebuilt again...

Haruo went all-out on the new house and it proved to be a nice one...It even had a pier to fish off of in their own private lake. And the kitchen was much more open than in the last one, even though their bedroom was much smaller.

The creator discovered sprinklers which now helps with the "wilting" situation. No more wilting...plants...(yeah...there's a R-rated joke in there somewhere... ~zips mouth~) The aquarium denizens got fed, and the Haruo placated his inner megalomaniac... "MAKE ME RICH, CARTERS XL TABLE MAKE ME OBSCENELY WEALTHY...BWA HA HA HA HA" Meanwhile Yasunobu harvested trees. ~this is sooo fulfilling~ Now I wish my kid would hurry up and fulfill my lifetime wish...(surrounded by family - one more kid to go...including Haruo...(evidently he's included as one he was a teen when the story started)

Sorry about the deadly boring update, but that's pretty much what a lot of this Sims game is...doing mundane day to day stuff...that isn't really all that interesting. Hopefully a spark of inspiration will come on the next update...and the ghosts haven't been cooperative either.

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