Thursday 6 July 2017

Screaming Burritos; Screaming Toddlers and Annoying Children.

Babies are so dull...they just sit their crib, or you hold them, or they cry and go in their diaper or wail about existing. In fact two days is about all of babies that the Creator can take, luckily it wasn't that way in RL...but RL made me despise that part of childhood even more so that in the Sims, I fast forward through it as quickly as possible. In fact keeping those screaming little burritos sedated, quiet and asleep is pretty much the happiest part of "Sim babyhood" as far as this Creator is concerned. Enough of an aside...

River's little bundle of joy aged up quickly and became a toddler. In fact he was so smart that he got through potty-training, walking and talking in three days flat leaving the other six days to thorooughly annoy the Creator so much that he put the little varmint to sleep...until he aged up to CHILD. Yes...This Creator has an evil streak that Mephistopheles would be proud of.

Maybe it's time to rethink having kids? Uh...TOO LATE.

Aidann's aging up to toddler was uneventful other than when Mayumi tried to steal his lollipop and make him cry, but the Creator nixed that plan in the bud and told her to go swimming and if she wasn't careful, I was going to make her swim until exhaustion. Evidently she got the message loud and clear.

Grandma Fiona, on the other hand, just loves her grandson to pieces. She dotes on him every chance she gets. The little twerp eats it up

Aidann was a quick learner and managed to learn everything he needed to know to be a productive little child inside of three days. River on the other hand learned just how disgusting of a smell the rear-end of a child produces especially when they've had something the consistency of pureed vegetables and fruit being sent through the digestive system. It was only 9 days in Sim time, but it seemed like a lifetime. Time to kick the kid out the door and send his little behind packing to school. And wonder to each other whether or not they wanted to do this all over again...

Meanwhile, Mayumi was causing havoc amongst the townspeople in her own delightful way.

And Parker Langerak was getting a little too disturbingly interested with the back-end of a terracotta horse.

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