Saturday 8 July 2017

An Inadvertent Yet Justifiable Death

Mayumi sat and pondered her revenge against the other Chikamoris. Then she figured out that her best opportunity for revenge would be to get the second book of the inventing skill. That would allow her to detonate things causing catastrophic damage to the house that she was no longer a part of. Did she even feel the slightest inkling of regret for the actions in which she was about to take? Not in the slightest.

In any case when she went down to Divisadero Books to get the book that would initiate her plan, she ran into that slob Beau Andrews. And promptly made him regret ever having existed by beating the living tar out of him. (those mean-spirited and evil traits give an edge in fighting). So she sat and read and stewed and made her plans to exact the most horrific of revenge that she possibly could.

Meanwhile, life went on for the rest of the Chikamoris who were blissfully unaware that Mayumi had sordid plans to make their lives a living nightmare.

Time went by and Alanna aged up to toddler and yet Mayumi held her peace...but she was just biding her time waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

The Chikamoris were too busy with teaching little Alanna to walk, toilet-training and other things that would help her develop her skills so that she would go into child-hood and school with an advantage. Haruo played the piano. River took up her brush again and everything seemed peaceful.

In fact...everything was the point where they'd even forgot about the woman in the backyard who only had an exit out to the outside world with the opening gate in the fence that she couldn't get into the main yard. In would later prove to be too peaceful, because Mayumi had a plan...and when the Chikamoris guard was down, she struck...

It was early morning Saturday when the walls were rattled with a detonation of the BBQ and a fire started in the basement through a hole ripped in the masonry of the hosue. It rapidly got out of control and turned into a blaze. River was lucky to get away from the flames because it started right at the spiral staircase which would have trapped them in an inferno. Yasunobu and Haruo fought the fire bravely for the lives of their loved ones, while Fiona and River tried to pitch in to help extinguish the flames. It wasn't hard to put two and two together to figure out who the culprit was. Even worse, Aidann caught on fire and it was only due to the quick-thinking of River to get him into the shower downstairs and extinguish the flames that kept him from perishing. Mayumi had struck at River's heart and soul. Putting her beloved son in mortal danger was something that River was not going to stomach. And it got her lethally mad enough to teach Mayumi a lesson.

It didn't take long enough for the argument to escalate into fisticuffs and Mayumi's mean-ness and evil streak was no match for River's righteous anger.

And River won administering a beating on Mayumi that would have her thinking twice about detonating another object on their property. But would that lesson be taken to heart? didn't. Mayumi struck again the next day; teleporting into the garage and detonating Fiona's minivan and setting off an inferno that nearly claimed the life of River's husband...and ironically Mayumi's own son. With the evident lack of remorse displayed by Mayumi, River lost it and another fight ensued. However it must have been too much for Mayumi's old heart because it gave out...during the course of the fight and the Reaper came to collect her soul. It was poetic justice.

River felt that Mayumi had gotten what she deserved in the end and there were no tears for the evil woman who had very nearly claimed both River's husband and son. But the Reaper looked on that as just yet another tick-mark checked on his to do list and the first grave was installed in the Chikamori cemetery.

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