Sunday 23 July 2017

Some People Just Don't Learn

Evidently Connor Frio's memory wasn't too good, or maybe it was that River hit him too darned hard, but not two days later, he called up again trying his luck. You don't tick off a McIrish. Or especially when they're happily married especially when her last name has gone from McIrish to Chikamori; considering that Haruo is a Master Black Belt in Sim Fu and the person whose marriage you're trying to break up is a brownbelt. If the lady is happily married, she'll take great offense to your trying to break up her happy family. And the husband will probably try to feed you your gonads though your nose.

In other news, the Creator had to quarantine the board breakers in a room with no door. Enough rocks...thank you very much. It's going to take months just sorting through the mess of them.

...and then on top of 11:30 at night, someone woke River out of her sleep and then hung up just as she was about to answer the phone...after having been rousted out of bed due to the incessant ringing. If she ever finds out who that miscreant was....she's going to make him/her sorry he/she ever existed. If you're going to call after 1030PM, it'd better plumming well be life or death important...

Meanwhile, the Chikamoris are still wondering with a celebrity gate, how Iqbal Alvi managed to get into their yard and fish in THEIR pond. Yasunobu told him to "GET OFF OUR PROPERTY" and for punctuation Haruo went and blew up Iqbal's dishwasher. With a celebrity gate, there was no way that Iqbal could have gotten onto the Chikamori Estate without hacking his way in. If he was planning on repairing that dishwasher...too bad, so sad.

The next morning Connor Frio called again...and this time he called Hiroko and asked her for a date. Little did he know that Hiroko had just married Yasunobu and was now a Chikamori and the Chikamoris didn't like it when their women were trifled with. Of course Haruo and Yasunobu were grinning widely when River charged out the door shouting for Hiroko... "Teleport in when I find his mangy hide!!!"

"Hi...ladies...didn't expect both of you to show up..." Connor smiled but his smile dropped off his face when he saw the two stormy expressions on the women's faces as they stalked towards him, fists raised.

Then the skies opened up and plum rained down brimstone and first one fist then the other connected.

"From now on, Connor, our number is a 'no-call' unless you want to speak personally with my husband..." River said darkly "...and believe me, he's not as patient with people as I am..."

"And neither is my husband..." Hiroko stated. "So unless you want your body to end up molded in the general shape of a'd best pretend that we don't exist."

"Consider that a warning..." River finished off with a dark look then turned to Hiroko. "I'm getting hungry, what about you?"

"I could use a burger...Hogan's?" quipped Hiroko as she looked over at Connor who was trying to figure out the best way to extricate himself out of the mess that he now found himself in.

"Sounds good to me..." was River's answer and they both turned their backs on Connor, got into Hiroko's car and drove off (still gets me how Sims can shove large cars in their pockets).

In other news, Aidann came back from military school after Hiroko took pity on him and brought him home. But his marks are still on notice. He's got an A so far, but he needs to keep it that way or else back to military school he goes. Bella and Alanna are enjoying Fort Starch way too much to come home. And well, Brayden is on the fence about the whole thing.

And Connor assuaged his bruised ego by going into hiding...ostensibly to finish off a book, but getting his tail-end kicked by a pair of girls probably had to hurt too.

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