Wednesday 26 July 2017

Life at Home

Well, Aidann doesn't like homework very much, but like the good dedicated kid that he is, he does it...even though it frustrates him to no end.

Lately, things have been very quiet at the graveyard. No ectoplasmic activity at all. Frankly. put, no pun's been dead.

Aidann gets himself off to school in the mornings which is a boon as things are hectic in the mornings in the Chikamori household.

Of course, Haruo has to go detonate Grady's. After all, what would life be without a little bit of C4.

Meanwhile at home, Hiroko is working on her martial arts skills. Yes, the Chikamori women are combined beautiful and lethal.

After Haruo blew up Grady's Junkyard, he came home and watered the plants. :D Then of course, he, River and Yasunobu jammed on the keyboards.

Aidann got in some time with the martial arts dummy. He's working towards his blue belt.

Meanwhile Yasunobu watered the plants (not tended the garden - garden tending is something Yasunobu is leaving for Haruo to take care of - after all, Haruo needs to take over the mantle of Super Green Thumb and be able to have the opportunity to get the opportunity to plant steaks and hamburger patties (hey, I'm not questioning the plantables in this game - plant a steak to get a steak tree...yep...par for the course...don't question it...))

I think Haruo wishes for a vacation...hmmm, I wonder if we shoudl send them back to Champs Les Sims...because that's a wish that River's been having recently. But right now, River just wants to swim in the pool. Ah. even after all these years, River and Haruo are still so much in love. They still flirt and woohoo in the shower every chance they get.

Mornings are still hectic and Haruo quickly made some breakfast while River was so hungry that she went ahead and got some leftovers. It seems to be that way all the time. The rest of the Sims get food from the fridge while Haruo just cooks to restock the leftover portions.

Once Haruo was finished the culinary duties in the kitchen he headed off to tend the garden and fish...(he joined the angler self-employment career a long time ago and he's working towards the top level of his career now. But I can see why he had a wish-bubble for a vacation. He's going stir-crazy with the mundane home tasks "shower, shave, do chores, eat, sleep, rinse repeat..."

And of course a gorgeous moon rising slowly into the night sky. (Can't wait to upgrade my computer's graphics card along with a new power supply and enhanced cooling. This is just on medium graphics...for the laptop)

...and why is it that people keep getting into the Chikamori's yard? Hmmmm... Haruo confronted Dustin Langerak who somehow managed to hack his way past the Celebrity Gate. This is getting ridiculous. "Listen Dustin, how is it that I come out here to get the mail and find you IN my yard!" "Dude, your gate was wide open, man..." "Don't try and give me that was closed, I saw the postie put the mail in the box and the gate was closed...and locked. You hacked it, man..." "No I didn't..." "Well...Let's see who the cops believe, huh? Because you're in my yard...and I sure as heck didn't invite you." "Sure, call the cops, dude...I'm an upstanding citizen...of Sunset Valley..." *Pow* "Well, you ain't now...standing upright...that is..."

And in other news, Aidann had a second prom after his return from Fort Starch...and came home with a second Prom King crown.

And of course, being the good grandson he is, went and made time to spend with Grandma Fiona. Awwwww, hugs... :D

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