Monday 24 July 2017

The Inexorable March of Age (and Thornton Learns to Not Call Women Garden Tools)

Well after delivering Connor's comeuppance...Hiroko and River went to Hogans and had lunch. Perhaps they should turn their cell-phones off from now on. After lunch, River went home and Hiroko went to the bookstore to get books to improve her handiness and inventing skills both which would stand her in good stead in the science career. She also picked up gardening books which are useful when one gets into the higher echelons of the science field with growing plants and other items. River worked on her ice sculpture.

Haruo kept up the task of keeping the family fed with victuals, cooking up a mean Eggs Machiavellan. Cooking is such a breeze with the Minus One Kelvin fridge and the top of the line stove; a perfect meal every time. Aidann got ready for high-school and having packed on some serious muscle during his time at the military academy, he was ready to meet and greet his friends back at the Community School for the Gifted in Sunset Valley.

Aidann managed to get out the door in time and rode on the familiar yellow school-bus to the school where he did manage to get in the door on time and was able to get in a full day of school.

Yasunobu took his son aside and spoke to him regarding the garden, "Son...I'm getting on in years and someone needs to be able to maintain this garden...and keep growing perfect vegetables and fruits. You are the one to carry on this legacy...for me, until one of your children decides that they can carry on the legacy of having the perfect garden." Certainly that was a tall order for Haruo as he was already in the fishing career but he promised his father that he would do everything that he could to take up the mantle. The Chikamoris were always at one with nature. (okay...when they weren't knocking people's lights out...or blowing other peoples stuff up...okay...okay...@mikezumi :D :mrgreen: )

Aidann had increased his martial arts skills while he was away at Fort Starch...and came home a green-belt. After getting some work-experience at Doo-Peas Business Tower - (that name has to change), Aidann came home and pummelled the practice dummy. If it wasn't for Yasunobu and Haruo being a little space-rock breaking crazy, he'd practice on breaking boards. Maybe I should put one in Aidann's room. And maybe, I'll set up a room for the women to practice board breaking without Haruo and Yasunobu breaking more space rocks that the Creator has to sort out. Evidently they have rocks (on the) for brains.

As usual the next day, Haruo did cooking, while River got some food from the fridge. Hauo was just restocking the fridge with food and Aidann was becoming best friends...with his homework.

Hiroko was at green-belt same as Aidann and River had her brown-belt and was working towards black.

Looking over at the park the next day saw poor Connor sitting on the park chess tables looking glum. The Chikamoris bought Central Park as an investment and well, the Creator took it upon himself to give poor bereft Connor a makeover to get rid of that scratchy scribe's beard that he had going...and gave him a change of clothes. All Hail NRAAS Master Controller...the Creator...

And Aidann, having one of his rebellious moments, egged the Langerak's house and had a few words with Thornton Wolff "I don't like your face...Wolffie boy..." "How dare you talk to your elders that way...Didn't your mother ever teach you anything?" "Sure didn't stop you from calling her a garden implement...and just for's a message from my dad... Don't ever call her a garden implement again!"

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