Monday 3 July 2017

River & Haruo - Life With The Chikamoris


Mayumi, the evil matriarch of the Chikamori family, ruling with an iron fist, gets her poiont across by physical and mental coercion which kept her son Haruo and her husband, Yasunobu cowed. When her only son married the daughter of Fiona McIrish; River became the opposing force against her new mother-in-law. Will the Chikamoris be able to protect their fortune and keep their legacy going. And will River stay the innocent when the reins of matriarch of the Chikamori family are placed in her hands?

This is yet another Silver Spoon Legacy with River marrying into an established user-created family. Unfortunately for her, the man that she met has an abusive mother and a father who is cowed by his wife. It is up to River to keep her family together - is she strong enough to ward off the abuses that her mother-in-law heaps upon her just for marrying her son?

In the Chikamori family, Mayumi was the "evil" matriach who delighted in tormenting her son and seeing him react. Her husband, Yasunobu, was emasculated and rarely ever objected to anything Mayumi ever did. But Haruo on the other hand was less like his father and more temperamental, objecting to Mayumi's torment. He gave back as good as he got from his mother.

Haruo aged up to young adult on the same day as River McIrish. River lived across the street from the Chikamoris and they spent a lot of time together during their childhood. River opted to move in with the Chikamoris after Haruo expressed his fondness for her and asking her to go steady with him. Haruo had always had a crush on his "across-the-street" neighbour and it wasn't long before he made it known to her that he did like her... a lot. This did not improve Mayumi's attitude towards him and that was transferred to River and it even became worse after Mayumi found out that Haruo had asked River to be his girlfriend and finding River in Haruo's bed was definitely the spark that lighted the whole explosion over it. But that just provided the catalyst for Haruo to propose to River which she enthusiastically accepted. Needless to say Mayumi was not pleased in the slightest.

Aging up involved a graduation ceremony and River and Haruo both were expected to be at the graduation at City Hall. However it appeared that they were too busy "accosting" each other at the park to be too concerned about that, but they got their graduation diplomas even though they were otherwise occupied and were late to their own graduation party. Haruo was selected Most Likely to write a best seller (hasn't written anything yet) and River was selected "Most Artistic".

It was soon after that Yasunobu decided that the house they had purchased was much to small, and decided to make the move to 15 Summer Hill Court. There, they decided that they would build a house suitable for the family to live in and create a legacy that would span many generations.

River made it absolutely clear to her fiancĂ©'s mother that she was not going to tolerate her meddling in their affairs. And not soon after that, found out that Haruo had bought a winning Lotto Max ticket that essentially made them utterly wealthy to the tune of §50M Simoleons which in essence made Mayumi unfortunately the beneficiary of River's magnanimousness. In otherwords, she was living in the home now at River's, Haruo's and her own husband's sufferance.

So life settled down in the Chikamori family, with Mayumi not liking the turned tables situation any better than she did when she found out that horrors of horrors, that frumpy, eccentric little wanna-be artist River McIrish was going to be her son's fiancée. It made her absolutely livid, but there wasn't anything that could be done about it. What made her even more livid was the fact that Fiona McIrish, Molly French and her daughter Sandi French were sitting at their front doorstep at 15 Summer Hill Court when she got back from work. That made her want to explode, throw a major tantrum and throw them out, however that wasn't her choice anymore. She wasn't the one with the money anymore. She had to put up with the interlopers or River would revoke her right to stay here. On top of that she had to put up with her husband pursuing his love of gardening, her son becoming an angler and River painting instead of getting real jobs. If it wasn't for Molly French, Fiona McIrish and herself (a high-school teacher), they'd probably starve.

So all Mayumi could do was fume in frustration and try to avoid every single person in the house. So...she did exactly that. Cook, clean, go to work and periodically get in arguments with family members who didn't do what she wanted them to do.

It was a week and a half later after moving in that River decided to throw her bachelorette party after being reminded by Claire Ursine. The party was a hit starting from 10AM Sunday until four o'clock Monday morning. That pretty much zonked out most of the guests as well as the family members. Haruo stayed away for most of the day because he wasn't much of a party-goer and just loved his private time with River. Needless to say, the length of the party sparked Mayumi off (she had to have something to complain about) and she complained vociferously to Fiona who let her have it. "This is my child's special day and you won't spoil it for her! The next one will be her wedding to YOUR SON!"

Well, it can be said that this family is going to have its ups and downs. And Mayumi learned that You don't tick off an Irish mom or the blow back will be severe.

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