Tuesday 18 July 2017

The Road to True Love is Rocky

Author's Note: This romantic schlock shoulda been up for Valentine's Day back in February. Sorry...(I'm sorry, I'm a guy...we see romance, we run the other way).

Life at the Chikamori house continued as usual...(this is starting to become a common preface). River and Haruo sparred for the first time in a long time since River had to take a break from martial arts after being pregnant for such a long time.

Yasunobu was the first to find romance with a beautiful young lady by the name of Alesha Nowak. Despite his reservations with dating again after Mayumi's death, he wined and dined her and tried to spend as much time as he could with her to get to know her better.

Meanwhile (Chris Tucker would define this with a certain amount of profanity) Stiles McGraw didn't get the message from River that she felt he was harrassing her (she's married...and is a mother and not available...but he didn't get the message)...so she sent Haruo to send Stiles a message that he wouldn't soon forget. Yo...Stiles...YOU GOT KNOCKED THE PLUM OUT!!! DAWG.

And...Fiona met Simis...and Simis got moved in...lock stock and barrel...kids included. Michael and Bella were in danger of failing and removed by the social worker (Bella had an F in school.) "Hey, Chaa Sum Bong it says here you got an F in school..." (man, I love Russell Peters and his hilarious take on immigrant families) ~takes kung fu stance~ kid cowers... No.but really. "You know...Bella, honey, you need to do much better in school...So I think the best way to do that is to send you to boarding school..." Oh...THANKS...Uncle Haruo...

And Aidann got aged up to teen...Handsome bugger; takes after his mother. And his hairstyle is perfect...for Fort Starch where he's going NEXT.

And Dad Yasunobu showed his son that he was still able to kick his kid's rear-end in sparring. See kids...that's why you don't back-talk your dad...


In ectoplasmic happenings...ghost fake-Haruo (yeah, we found his grave) showed up, took a shower and haunted the can... That is sooo...plumming weird...and disgusting too.

Simis now knowing that his kids would be taken care of out of the deep pockets of the Chikamoris and not at risk of getting taken by the social worker, got down on one knee and proposed to Fiona. who accepted. They had their own little private ceremony to save money for an eventual move out into the house that Nick Alto (may he rest in peace... - yeah...Yasunobu ended him...after some stuff happened. The cops found traces of Nick's dealings...and that got traced all the way back to Good Citizens. Yasunobu tracked Nick down and eliminated him with due prejudice and Vita tried to assassinate River so Haruo took her out.) I really think that there should be one of their descendents that joins the ghost-busting career.

This were not so easy for Yasunobu...all Alesha was doing was hanging off his coattails looking for money...and when he wanted to go farther with her...by getting into a real honest-relationship (think rings...and eventual marriage...she got cold feet and started ducking his calls...so finally he ended up breaking up with her.

But then he met Hiroko...(more on her later)... :D

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