Friday 28 July 2017

Grim Comes For A Soul

Yasunobu stared out the window feeling his age creeping up on him. He had 31 days before he turned elder. Having switched his LTW mid-life, he had managed to complete his "physical perfection". And he had dropped his gardening career to become a Chef who had worked his way up to five-star Chef earning a Minus One Kelvin fridge career reward. Finally fatigue overtook him and he went upstairs to bed.

The lights didn't remain dark for long as River woke up and headed over to the easels to work on some more paintings. With the influx of Simis' and Fiona's fortune the family fortune sat at near §99M. After discussing it with Simis and Fiona, Haruo invested in amenities around the town and started to improve the community lots. Geoffrey Landgraab had been calling up River to ask her for a date and frankly Haruo was quite satisfied to put one over on Geoffrey by executing a hostile takeover of Landgraab Research Science Facility. Evidently the one thing that Geoffrey Landgraab had not learned in business school was "don't anger someone with deeper pockets than you." So Geoffrey found himself with the uneviable position of working as an employee at the company which out of spite, Haruo kept its name as "Landgraab Research Science Facility". Evidently Geoffrey got the lesson in humiliation. "Don't hassle my wife again...or touch my father's wife."

Simis and Fiona, having found each other later in life had settled into a nice comfortable relationship, just enjoying each other's company and making the most of each day as it came. After all, when one reached elder-status every day was a gift...if one woke up in the morning.

Haruo, on the agreement of Simis and Fiona invested their combined savings to real estate ventures. Of course in the course of looking through the portfolio, he found that he had a partnership in Good Citizen's Warehouse Corporation. He smiled evilly as he looked over at Simis. "Thank you, Simis." he said to River's step-father. "I now have a way of taking them down from the inside." Simis having heard of the doppelganger ploys that the Emperor of Evil had used on the Chikamoris nodded in response, "Don't mention it..." Simis replied, maintaining eye contact with Haruo. Family was family and protecting each other was paramount. And considering the situation. If Yasunobu hadn't killed the doppelgangers, who knew what the doppelgangers would have done.

Of course...Haruo upon his return from buying up the community lots and putting in his bid for ownership at City Hall which as an upstanding citizen of Susnset Valley, the city council easily voted his way, he came home and paid his bills which including property taxes and income taxes was in the neighbourhood of §43,000+ . Well, it was what was defined as chump change for the Chikamoris.

Simis had not been feeling well...this afternoon...but he ignored the discomfort and the numbness down his left side. He'd been feeling chest pains for a few days now and this was nothing new for him. He took several deep breaths and decided to go swimming. Maybe the exercise would help relieve the pain in his chest. As he dove off the diving board he felt an intense pain shooting up and down his left side and all of a sudden he couldn't breathe because it felt as though knives were punching into him, and with alarm, he realized that he was in the worst possible position of his life. He'd ignored the signs of a myocardial infarction (bluntly put, a heart attack) and there was no way to get out of the pool. Clutching his chest, he gasped, inhaling a great deal of pool-water which compounded the pain in his chest as he couldn't breathe again and the water and chlorine didn't do any favours for his body. He writhed and tried to breach the surface of the pool but couldn't and the waters stilled. And it was not long before Grim appeared.

The tragic circumstances of Simis's passing was a shock to Fiona. They weren't married for very long and it was hard to believe that Sims was gone. Sunset Valley was starting to hold too many unpleasant memories for Fiona. Perhaps it was time for her to make a move wtih the rest of the family. There was a choice to make...their only choices were Bridgeport and she already knew that her son-in-law would veto that. since he did not like cities. And he wouldn't like Twinbrook either. She shuddered to herself. Perhaps she could convince Haruo and River to move to Riverview. It was more of a country vibe and there were nice lots. It had been a long time since she had been back home to Riverview which was where Fiona was born. Perhaps Michael and his girlfriend would like to come along too - they could always find a home the prices were much more reasonable than Sunset Valley. But then again, Sunset Valley was all that Michael and River knew...but she knew that River would move in an instant, as long as Haruo and his family would come too.

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