Thursday 6 July 2017

Travelling the World...and a Surprise from China.

As dusk settled on the Chikamori household...they realized just how much would have to happen to allow Yasunobu's life-time wish to take place. And they hadn't even taken into account that they hadn't seen the rest of the world yet. Since Haruo and River had money, they decided that they would see the world first...and then settle down and raise a family. Since they had seen France (Champ Les Sims) for their honeymoon, they opted for Egypt next. And frankly Mayumi's nitpicking on everyone was starting to get on Haruo's and River's nerves. And frankly it seemed as though Mayumi was goading them into throwing her out of the house. In fact Mayumi was treading on thin ice.

In fact, Egypt was the best choice as they could get away from it all, buy some things that artist River could use (namely two Hikon cameras as well as two point n'shoots. They also did some exploring and brought home several relics for Sandi to use as "teacher appeasements" which seemed to be constant every few weeks. Well, it was either Egypt or China and they were in Egypt, so what better than to turn around and peruse the relic shop. River was gratified that Haruo was so amenable to letting her room-mates, Molly and Sandi live at their home.

Of course, back home, Mayumi made life a pain for those who were stuck at home with her. And frankly, she was doing a good job in making herself hated by everyone there.

Haruo and River were so perturbed by her behavior that they threatened her with excommunication from the family home if she didn't mend her ways. And that was the interlude between trips, not a peaceable time to relax and unwind between Egypt (Al Simhara) and China (Shang Simla).

In fact, that interlude was so much of a headache to River and Haruo that they were absolutely glad for the three day vacation in Shang Sim La. And they opted to make the best of the reprieve from the insanity back home, making sure to stop by the merchant who sold Sim Fu equipment and bought books from the book merchant to bring back from China. In fact, China was such a relief that they took the advantage to have some intimate time together (which under Mayumi's nose was very unlikely to happen very much if at all) away from the hassle and stress that Haruo's mother inflicted; actually able to spend some quiet time together so much so that China was where Aidann, their first-born was conceived.

In fact, River realized upon their return from Shang Simla that their intimacy had resulted in some rather nasty complications...of the sort that had her running to the washroom to reaquaint herself with the contents of her stomach.

Spending the morning perched in obeisance to the porcelain god wasn't River Chikamori's idea of a fun morning. poor girl.

Even Haruo's enthusiastic response to the news that River was pregnant probably was small recompense for the agony of her stomach in turmoil in the mornings during her pregnancy. The pregnancy went smoothly even though when River went into labor, Haruo freaked out...predictably.

...and they ended up with a little baby boy. Of course...little Aidann Chikamori

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