Tuesday 18 July 2017

Mundane Meanderings Pt. II

Things were quiet in the Chikamori home for quite some time. The usual routine of get up, do chores or go to work pervaded over much of the days that went by. Unfortunately, the kids were not able to make it in the door of the school, even with the building of the second school and their marks were in danger of a precipitous fall off the cliff so off to boarding school they went. The first week Alanna called back grumbling that her arms were going to fall off. Well, let's just say that the parents didn't acquiesce to her demands. "Stay there and learn some discipline and get something out of this experience." How sympathetic, huh?

Haruo fished, River did drafting. Haruo also worked out, while Yasunobu worked in the garden.

Yasunobu's beloved garden could be seen from the living room.

The kitchen was an open plan too and allowed for easy access between points within the kitchen and the dining room.

There was an offset atrium that masked the staircase to the basement area with a view of the digital fishtank - which was the only thing that really survived. The actual fishtank was what one would rightly call a deathtrap for any piscine - poor things (much like my RL mother and plants).

The back porch had a grill with easy access to the kitchen and the fridge to avoid having a situation where food sat out and went bad.

And the view from the bridge into the pool.

River happily played piano...it was one of her joys to be able to extract beautiful music from the 88 key keyboard.

All was dead at the graveyard...obviously. (boo-hiss - yeah, yeah, I know...bad joke)

With the exception of a few nights later when Yumi popped up out of the ground and proceeded to use the Chikamori's jacuzzi. Would you believe that they're distantly related. (in this story). A long time ago...in a land far away... Oh heck with it... She comes from Nara Prefecture, close to Osaka...and the Chikamori's and the Sekemotos are related (5th Cousins to be exact). There. They are actually named Sekimoto, but unfortunately some stupid border guard misspelled Yumi's name when she emigrated from Japan to take care of Sam for Leighton...and they figured why bother correcting it - 出る杭は打たれる. 仕方が無い. deru kui was utareru; shikata ga nai. The upright stake will get hammered down, nothing can be done about it. It is the way of things. (So there's my take on the whole thing. There are no Japanese in real life named Sekemoto - Sekimoto or Sakamoto...yes, Sekemoto, no.)

In other news, because Gus refused to do anything about his weight he had a heart-attack and dropped dead.

Haruo went to the park to try to see if he could get his piano skill up.

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